Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Healthy Weight Loss

In this article we will provide you with some tips that will help you to lose weight in an effective and healthy manner.

First you have to count or measure your normal calorie intake per day. From morning onwards, continue with your normal life, eat what you normally consume and in the same proportion, then make a chart and record your calorie intake by counting the calorie content of everything you consume (solid+liquid).

For this you need to be serious and dedicated about losing weight. Remind yourself that you have opted for a healthy weight loss plan and not those gimmicky weight loss pills and fad diet programs that will harm your body in the long run.

Spare 10-15 minutes of your precious time out of the whole day for this calorie counting business and you will be the better for it. After all you are doing it all for yourself.

At night, before going to sleep, add up the total number of calories you have consumed and don’t mess around with your figures. Be exact. You can’t fool yourself. At the same time measure your own weight.

Now you have a fair idea of your daily calorie intake.

From next day onwards, decrease your normal calorie intake by 500 calories. During the remainder of the week, continue with this decreased calorie diet by consuming 500 calories of less food.

Replace your 3 huge meals every day with 5 small meals spaced out through the day. Don’t snack in between meals. Leave a space of 2 1/2 to 3 hours between consecutive meals. Your metabolism rate will be accelerated by doing this.

Now gear up for the weight loss exercise part. Weight lifting, muscle building exercises, resistance training, cardiovascular exercises, power yoga, aerobic exercises, cycling, running for an hour, dancing, playing sports like tennis, baseball, volley ball, football, basketball, swimming etc, jogging, brisk walking, climbing stairs, doing household chores are all helpful in losing weight. It's not like you need the best yoga certification program or anything. An hour or so of moderate to heavy exercising 4/5 times a week is more than enough. You will also help to detox your body by exercising too.

Now when the week is over, measure yourself once more. You will be elated to find that you have lost one to two pounds. Keep realistic goals. Then you wont feel disappointed to see that you have not lost 17 pounds at one go. Your fitness expert will tell you losing more than two pounds per week is dangerous and not at all healthy.

Don’t lose heart at this so called insignificant quantity. 2 pounds per week means losing 8/9 pounds every month. Now calculate how much you can lose in one year if you stick to this regimen.

Try to stay motivated. Do not lose your determination or your focus. Think about why you want to lose weight. Sometimes it can be for purely vain reasons but for other people it can be for their health. Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight.

Stay away from quick fix solutions that promise impossible quantities of weight loss in just a few days without taking recourse to any kind of physical exertion. Don't forget that losing weight is also about mental focus. There's no point in taking on a task as massive as losing weight without making sure you have a good attitude.